Keeping Your Body Young And Healthy
Keeping Your Body Young And Healthy
It is so easy when we are young, fit and healthy to always think that we will always be like that, that old age is something happens so far into the future it is not worth worrying about now, but unfortunately life is too short and all too soon we are in our senior years and always wishing we had done more to maintain our body health wise.
Always the regrets come when we are overweight, unfit and having major health issues that with the benefit of hindsight could mostly have been avoided and although it is never too late to alter your lifestyle for a much healthier one, it is always wise to start as early as you possible could as they always say prevention is better than cure and in the case of your health this is so true.
Experts are even claiming now that most major diseases such as cancer can be linked to certain poor diets, always research is being carried out to find out how we can all live longer healthier lives and it is true to say that we are living much longer than our ancestors. A few generations ago the lifespan of an average person was approximately 40-50 years with 50 being thought of as a great milestone if you were able to reach that age.
Nowadays of course it is not unusual for people to live well into their 70’s and 80’s with some passing that and living into the 90’s and even over 100.
Putting that into perspective is by thinking when you are younger that the body you have been born with could potentially need to last you for 90 to a 100 years, most people will gasp when they read that but it is then plainly obvious that you really need to look after you body in order that it will last you for the rest of your life. Many a person who has lived in to their 80’s or 90’s have done so with a sound mind but unfortunately the body is no longer willing and that is where the regrets start to materialise because if your mind is in sound working order then it can be very frustrating if your body is not.
To be trapped in a body that will not function properly can be most frustrating and even heartbreaking but with a little though and effort in to looking after our body well then this can all be avoided and you can enter your senior years safe in the knowledge that you body is going to serve you well and you can enjoy those years with the same vitality that you did 20 years before.
With this in mind does it not make sense then to make sure we all live a very healthy lifestyle and that we do not abuse or put unnecessary strain on our bodies or any of our major organs? Life is too short for regrets so make sure that when you enter your senior years you do so with a young healthy and fit body.